Tools & Consulting for the webMethods® platform

Tools & Consulting for the webMethods® platform

Legacy software: Better than its reputation

Moving away from “legacy software” is easier said than done. It is a complex combination of business and technical aspects that needs to be looked at.

Having worked on a number of migration projects over the last 20 years, here are my thoughts. It is just a “short” overview but will give you a starting point for things to look at.

Update connection details for JDBC adapter on webMethods Integration Server

Connections to a an external database are mostly environment specific. So they must be adjusted whenever a new instance of Integration Server gets deployed. In some situations that can be done manually, in others automation is mandatory. The tool described here can do this for you and is ideal for use in a container scenario.

Performance tuning for webMethods Integration Server

Having spent a lot of time with performance tuning on webMethods Integration Server, I wanted to share some thoughts here. They will equip you with a starting point and the flexibility to go wherever your project takes you.

Understand the problem. Truly.

If you want to solve a problem, you must first understand it. What may sound silly, is actually more nuanced than people often realize. Here is a bit more detail on this and why an outside view is often helpful.