Tools & Consulting for the webMethods® platform

Tools & Consulting for the webMethods® platform

Microservices and code reuse for integration platforms

Today I want to write about a software development approach I was able to put into practice a few years ago. I was myself very much surprised how well things worked out, and especially how fast I was able to see tangible benefits for the business side.

Running webMethods Integration Server in containers

Organizations are moving from traditional deployments to containers and Kubernetes to increase business agility. This article discusses a lot of topics that are relevant to actually reach the goal of faster delivery of value to the business through software. Because if you do it wrong, you just end up with yet another technology stack. And, as always, technology is not your biggest challenge.

Legacy software: Better than its reputation

Moving away from “legacy software” is easier said than done. It is a complex combination of business and technical aspects that needs to be looked at.

Having worked on a number of migration projects over the last 20 years, here are my thoughts. It is just a “short” overview but will give you a starting point for things to look at.

Performance tuning for webMethods Integration Server

Having spent a lot of time with performance tuning on webMethods Integration Server, I wanted to share some thoughts here. They will equip you with a starting point and the flexibility to go wherever your project takes you.

WxConfigNG and containers

Integration with containers is one of the main differentiators of WxConfigNG. This includes the development side (incl. migration from traditional VMs) as well as the operations part.

You are not faster with an 80% solution

If you ever wondered why cutting corners in software development quite often does not produce the expected benefits, this article is for you. It explains how some assumptions are false most of the time. And you can read about the overlooked implications.

Business and software architecture

One of the most fundamental things to understand in commercial software development is how the business requirements influence technical choices. Here are some random thoughts on this topic.