WxConfig NG: Core edition available for free

After a lot of consideration we have decided to make WxConfig NG Core available for free. WxConfig NG Core provides, as the name implies, the core functions of configuration management. They include things like

  • Configuration data held in files for easy handling, version control, etc.
  • Configuration files contained within the package for effortless deployment
  • Support for per-environment configuration
  • Services to retrieve configuration values within Flow services

While not covering all aspects of configuration management, this is a solid foundation that provides great value at no cost. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements on paid editions of WxConfig NG. Those will deliver additional benefits to those that need them.

It is important to note that WxConfig NG will not be made available as open source. It comes with a commercial license at no costs. At some point in the future it may be open-sourced, but that is not decided yet.

Organizations that require official support can of course purchase that. Details will be communicated separately, but feel free to get in touch directly via email.

Please note that this is not a release announcement, that will come separately. But we wanted to let you know as soon as possible.  Stay tuned!

For more information about WxConfig NG Core, head over to the its dedicated web page.


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