Category: Digitization

Coding vs. career?

Let me share some thoughts on why quite a few people think that coding, which is only the last step in software development, is only for beginners.

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Legacy software: Better than its reputation

Moving away from “legacy software” is easier said than done. It is a complex combination of business and technical aspects that needs to be looked at.

Having worked on a number of migration projects over the last 20 years, here are my thoughts. It is just a “short” overview but will give you a starting point for things to look at.

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Understand the problem. Truly.

If you want to solve a problem, you must first understand it. What may sound silly, is actually more nuanced than people often realize. Here is a bit more detail on this and why an outside view is often helpful.

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My approach to digitization

Digitization projects are challenging and often don’t meet the original expectations. In this article I explain how I approached such a project, using principles from agile software development. Those can easily be applied to the organizational side of the project as well and increase your chance of success considerably.

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